Sunday, August 28, 2011

Here is a recap of my weekend in pictures!

Our Killough staff shirt that we get to wear on Fridays!
 Fish tacos on Friday!!! YUM! we ate fish that Lauren caught while she was in Alaska!
We then topped off the night by watching Fright Night!!! --NOT a fan of scary movies!!
 Grading journals at the pool!!! With this hot weather it is nice to have a water to chill in!! 
 Making more delectables with the Big Boss that Mike and Stacey sent me! Who needs a Starbucks frapp???
 One for One...the TOMS motto. If you buy a pair of TOMS shoes, part of the proceeds go towards a pair of shoes to a child in a third world country.
 SO...remember when I said my pop exploded in my car??? It is ALL over my roof, steering wheel, passenger seat...and I even found some Diet Coke in the back seat!!!!!

 Funny picture....I left my chicken out to thaw.......Aleshias cats got to them!!! Look at all the bite marks!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures--I like the mirror trick.

    The tacos look very good--fish from Alaska--cool.

    The Friday T-shirt is a good team building tool.

    Take care and keep posting!
