"If you live in the present, every moment is a new beginning."
So I am sitting here, Saturday morning, after a good rest! I let myself sleep in this morning, and I have made a big pot of coffee to last me the whole day! It was really funny, I woke up this morning thinking.... wouldn't it be nice if someone made me breakfast and coffee....and then I thought ugh...I will just have some granola...when I went to the kitchen to make coffee, Aleshia, my roommate, reminded me that our apartment complex had free breakfast this morning! PRAISE GOD!!! Someone else DID make breakfast for me this morn!! Be careful what you wish for....so we hopped over and had pancakes, and eggs, and there was no clean up for us!!! So my day started off with a smile!!! Then...the pool with Nina later......and babysitting!!! Great weekend so far!!! Tomorrow...the BEACH!!! YAH! ok......now for this week........
I heard stripes were back in!!! So I tried out this outfit! I bought a shirt in Dublin Ireland that is striped like this but it also says "Every girl needs a little black drink" (off the quote, every girl needs a little black dress) and it is referring to tall, dark, Guiness....ooo I could use one of those now!
Late one night I was looking at www.browneyedbaker.com website and found some yummy recipes to try out! Here is the "Chewy Blondies" They were awesome! They had butterscotch, coconut, walnuts and chocolate chips!
Here is the ending result....and the dough was SUPER good....I am surprised I had enough to bake!
For some of my co-workers!
During my baking I had a LOT of school work to do! This Tuesday, I was informed that I would also be teaching 8th grade Title I Math. So 1-4 period I teach 7th grade Title and 6 & 7 period I teach 8th grade Title I Math. For those of you who do not know what Title is, it means that the students I have did not pass the Texas State test last year (TAKS). A lot of my students struggle with something as basic as multiplication facts. So according to 7th grade standards, if I needed to teach Equivalent fractions, I would need to go over finding the Greatest Common Factor, and before I teach that, I need to teach the multiplication table, and before that I need to teach them how to divide. This is why my students are with me for 2 periods, and why there are 2 teachers in the classroom. It is a very rewarding job, although at times it can get very stressful, and it has really taught me patience.

So I had A LOT of work to do.....and my roommates cat thought that it was play time with her....and I thought....hey! Practice photography!!!! Hope is very photogenic!
I needed a simple supper since I had a LONG night planned. This is my favorite meal....and I LOVE pizza...so if you want to make pizza fast and cheap....here you go....I buy whole wheat tortillas and smear marinara sauce with Garlic and Oregano. I then chopped some veggies, onion and green pepper, and turkey pepperoni and spread it on top. Then I bought lowfat mozzerella cheese and placed it on sparingly. Put in oven for 10 minutes at 410 degrees. I LOVE when the tortilla gets really crispy! I topped it off with some crushed red pepper. And can you believe that one tortilla pizza is about 200 calories....so you can have 2 and not feel bad!!!!
I bought a new sewing table, it is lilac....It gives me so much inspiration!! and its SO cute!
Working on a project now.....it may be for someones birthday on September 10th....huh....who could it be??? Almost done! Hoping to get it in the mail soon!! :o)
Notice I am blocking my door.....good thing I have a 2nd door that leads into my room!!!!
Here is my next project....a skirt. with this fabric..I am going to use this dress pattern but only the bottom part....I will give updates.....and I am REALLY excited!! :o)
Wednesday was a whirlwind of a day! Chelsi and I had to "catch up" all of our 7th graders because they were a day behind, and we had to go over all the rules in the classroom (like day 1) for our 8th graders. I got really overwhelmed at work, and instead of following my resolution to stay at school until 4:45, I packed all my things and left at 4:15. Luckily, KaLynne was able to get pedicures....much needed after a day on my feet (we even worked thru our lunch--so it was a literal...DAY on our feet). So sitting there being pampered with a Diet Coke and good conversation was nice!!! During the pedicure my friend Nina called and was wondering if I wanted to meet up for a beer and wings at Buffalo Wild Wings (which is one of my FAVE restaurants....aside of Panara!) and we talked until late in the night!!!
I got home and it was time to make Chelsi's birthday cake!
So Thursday was my co-teachers birthday! Chelsi and I have been teaching together for a year now, and she is the greatest blessing!!!! I can't imagine teaching with anyone else!!!
I made her a homemade white cake! Simple to make! Then I have some of my grandmas homemade Nebraska cherry jelly for filling!!!!
Cream Cheese frosting......
Sprinkles ALWAYS make a dessert happier and more colorful!!!
Chelsi with her cake!!!
Remember I said stripes were back in??? Well I bought this at the Houston Quilt Show last October...I wore it to school....I felt SO spunky!!!!!
This is one of the girls I babysit for! I love babysitting for this family because they are bilingual and I LOVE practicing my spanish (one of my resolutions!) So a friend of mine gave me some spanish books, and Hally and I read it before going to bed!! :o) She loved it, and started to call it "her" book!! :o)
I am not sure what Hally is doing in this picture....
SO, what is my blog without pictures from school?!?!?!
Chelsi and I LOVE to send out letters and postcards!!!
We want to encourage everyone to come to Back to school night!!! So we will make treats and have fun activities for the parents and students to do!!! These will go out Monday!
Friday was a difficult day with the kids....and I dislike punishing the whole class when only a couple have been disruptive....Luckily I went to Michaels and the day before and found pencils for $0.49...so I gave the kids who listened special pencils....I am so happy that something this small can bring smiles to their faces!!
The kids colorful math journals!!!! The kids LOVED picking the colors....especially the 8th graders!!! So while I babysit on Saturday night and after the kid goes to bed...this will be what I am doing!!! grading!!!! with a Diet Coke or Diet Sunkist in hand!!! :o)
Here are some of my 8th graders!!!!
This is how our staff treats us....giving us ice cream on Friday after school!!
Can I find a better staff?!?!?!
One thing I learned about this week is to roll with the changes. And change is GOOD! I also learned that experiences make us who we are, and form our personality!!!! I had a fantastic week, and I am surrounded by so many awesome people!!!!
I am also really excited because I bought a ticket to the Pitbull, Enrique Iglesias, Prince Royce concert on October 12 AND a plane ticket to Minneapolis to see one of my BESTEST friends the weekend of September 23rd!!!! SO excited!!!!!!!